
100% natural

100% Natural


Fruits and Vegetables from Colombia

100% Natural

FRUVECOM S.A.S, is a Colombian company, created on July 22, 2008, dedicated to offer frozen fruit pulp, cut and frozen fruits, lemon juice, preserving its natural state. We are committed to the healthy nutrition of our customers, so we perform high quality processes, exhaustive selection of our inputs and suppliers, highly qualified personnel, and the commitment to select the best fruits of our country, supporting small farmers and generating priority employment to mothers heads of families, with whom we fulfill an important social work.


Pasteurized and frozen pulps

Frozen fruit pieces


It is top quality fruit, selected from its origin, harvested with the utmost care, then cut into pieces using traditional processes and subsequently frozen for natural preservation.

TrociFruit® Products

All our TrociFruit products are available in 150gr, 500gr, 1000gr and customized and industrial TrociFruit presentations.

Vereda la Balsa, Sector las juntas. Guaymaral road. Chía

301 234 0258

304 383 7396 

Chía, Cundinamarca - Colombia